Friday, June 22, 2012

It's been 163 days since my last post....

Sorry! I do have some pretty good reasons :) This should pretty much get us all up to speed.

We are expecting #3!

Max turned 3!

My sweet Sophia graduated from preschool. :(

We purchased a new home in May and moved. Stay tuned there will be lots of adventures with the new house. Some I've already started.

Me at 20 weeks. Today I am 23 week.

Meet "Tiger" 9 weeks old, who showed up in our back yard and needed a home. He has stolen all of our hearts.

Newest news. We were not going to find out the sex, but during the ultrasound a little someone decided to move and showed us what the are.

I' a BOY!

That should about do it. We have been busy to say the least. I'm looking forward to being back in blog land and sharing with you our new adventures.


  1. Congratis on everything! I'm also expecting (our first child), and am now in my 28th week. We are very excited. Good luck with all the "new" things this year.


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