Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall Love

Fall has officially made it's way to our home.

What kind of pumpkins do you tend to gravitate to?

I love the big dark bumpy ones!

BTW I'm totally loving my antique urn!


  1. It's absolutely beautiful! You really made the entire corner look lovely! I'm in awe! =)

  2. Love it...looks great Amber! I like the smooth, round pumpkins. But I've really only bought them for carving. If I were to use them for decoration I think I may go for the more uneven, not so perfect ones. Hmmm...maybe I need to go pumpkin shopping!

  3. Pretty! I like the cinderella pumpkins but a bit pricey, white and of course the bumpy ones too!

  4. Everything looks great and READY for fall! :) Thanks for linking up to Sassy Sites! Have a wonderful Friday! XOXO!! marni

  5. So cute! I love fall! I am visiting from The Shabby Nest and I am a new follower!
    Hope you have a great weekend!!

  6. what an amazingly beautiful extrance! I love all of the little details! Anddd I have to say that I love the bumpy pumpkins too!!! Buttt this year I am loving the white ones also!!! :o) Thank you so much for linking up to crafty scrappy happy link party! :o)
    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. After getting a "Cinderella Pumpkin" at work this past October, I hope to be able to afford at least one of those every year. They are a bit more pricey than regular pumpkins.

    But they last FOREVER!! I haven't seen it in a couple weeks because I've recently gone on maternity leave, but I am pretty sure it's still alive!

    And they are very unique and make for good centerpieces :-)

