Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sponge Ball Water Fights

These are a fun alternative to water balloons and they are super easy to make. I found this great idea while watching "Martha On Demand." All you need to make one is 3 sponges. I picked three different colors to make them more fun and appealing to kids.

Cut each sponge into 3 strips.

Stack sponges alternating each color.

Take twine or floss and wrap around center pulling tight.  Tie a strong knot.

 Trim strings and have fun!

Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!


  1. Ok, I'm an adult and I want to try them. My husband would probably not appreciate it though. ;)

  2. My kids would love these! Thanks for sharing the idea.


  3. We made these last year after I saw in in family fun :) But of course we had to make them again- because they are so fun and my kids loved them.... we use them in the bath and pool.
    I found something better than twine to tie them together- these plastic zip tie things- that are the same color of the sponge and hold them together really well :)

  4. what a fabulous idea!!! Who would have thunk it :)

  5. I love it! It's summer fun in the form of a sponge!

  6. How fun & easy! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love these! What a fantastic, cheap idea! My 2 year old would have a blast!

  8. Sharla, using a zip tie is a great idea. I love when others can help make something even better! Thank you all for you comments. I just love hearing form everyone.


  9. Thanks for sharing this. It will be great for the rainbow/water party i'm planning for my daughter's birthday. The zip tie is a great idea too!

  10. You have no idea how happy I am that I found this post! My kids have been begging for water balloons since a birthday party this past weekend. They are fun but the mess is not. Can't wait to try this out!

  11. I can't believe I just ran across this. My sons school does a five & dime store every year & they earn bucks by being good that can be spent at the store. One year the "hot" item was these sponge balls.

    A friend came over yesterday to swim & she fell in love with these. So I emailed her the link to your blog & she'll be even more happy to know how to make her own now.


  12. I LOVE this idea for water fights! I featured you here. So clever!

  13. holy crud, i am posting about this and linking from my blog in the next week! this is awesome.

  14. I made some of these recently, I got a 6 pack of colorful sponges from the dollar store. Score! I used zip ties BUT I like your idea of floss better. The zip-ties can be sharp sometimes after you cut them, which can hurt if you get hit by one. We took these w/ us to the beach yesterday & the kids LOVED them!!!

    They also make great indoor toddler toys too when they are dry.

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