Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Peace Toddler Shirt

This was so stinking simple! I got the idea from a top that I saw at Gymboree and I just knew I could make one myself.  I love the way it turned out and seriously it took me about 15 minutes! Now I just need to make a cute little matching market skirt to go with it.  
Here is what ya need:

Plain shirt (I got mine at Target $5 or less)


1 yard floral trim

Just start forming a circle and pinning as you go.
(Note: make sure to only pin to the top layer of the shirt)

Sew the circle first before pinning the inner symbol.
(Note: during sewing make sure to keep the bottom layer free and out of the way from the top.)


Trim your string and your DONE!!

After my model wakes from her nap I will take some photo's of her in it.


  1. Very cute Amber! Watching you make all these cute things is making me want to get my sewing machine out and learn how to use it.
    Jen :)

  2. That's so cute! I love the trim.

    I would love for you to stop by my blog for a fun giveaway! Have a wonderful day! http://alittleknickknack.blogspot.com/2010/06/vacation-week-giveaway.html

  3. That is really cute and such a good idea! Thanks for sharing.

  4. So stinkin' cute! Where do you get all these ideas, girl? :)
