Friday, June 25, 2010

The Frustrating Play Dress

This one was a rough one. I did learn from it but is was so frustrating that there will be no tutorial! LOL The dress has 2 ruffled skirt panels and a fitted bodice top. I also made a matching  rose bow for her hair. All in all it turned out alright. Sophia wore it today for her last day of Vacation Bible School :(  I do have to say that she did get a lot of compliments on how cute she looked. Don't you love the shock in people's face when they ask where you got it and you tell them you made it! That was enough gratification for me to make all the frustration worth while.

She was being silly in most of the pictures.

What a cheese ball!
make it wear it


  1. The dress is super cute and she's adorable! She looks like she's in a children's clothing catalog! Super cute! I, too, love that look that people give you. Lol.

  2. That is ADORABLE! Love the leggings, too - and she looks like she loves it. Great job!

  3. Thanks ladies! She does love it. I am going to try another run at it so there may be a tutorial to come. Thanks for stopping by and saying HI!

  4. It turned out adorable! Sorry it was frustrating!
