Friday, April 30, 2010


My family moved in on March 27th of 2010 and my son Maxon's 1st Birthday Party was set for April 24th. It was to be held in our home so hence "THE MAD RUSH." I had a family of four to unpack, a party to start planning and prepping for, but I was also on the mend from a surgery on my vocal cords that I had just had on April 7th. Kinda hard to not be able to talk for almost two week when you have two kids 3 and under.

My first goal for the house was to get the main living areas painted, laid out and organized. The upstairs no one else but my family would see so it could wait till after the party.

I picked out my paint colors from Sherwin Williams (I'm a little partial to their paint as growing up my dad owned and worked for a drywall and painting company. Sherwin Williams paint is all I've ever used) and started painting! I'm a girl who just can't stand white walls. The color I picked was San Antonio Sage SW 7731.

I love decorative white platters (so classic) and Moss green and teal blue pitchers.

The space above the sink was a challenging area. I had, had this iron work in our bathroom of our old home and it now gives this empty space some visual interest.

As you can see my "Office."

The kitchen is very much so still a work in progess. I'm one who feels that a space is always evolving and changing. For now it feels good to be off to a great start.